2018年9月23日(日) 06時00分

【Special Garden】☆The Deviants
M-1 First Line / The Deviants(AL「The Deviants3」)
M-2 Trouble Coming Every Day / Mick Farren
(AL「Vampires Stole My Lunch Money」)
M-3 Eating Jello With A Heated Fork / The Deviants
(AL「Barbarian Princes Live In Japan 1999」)
☆Pink Fairies
M-4 The Snake / Pink Fairies
(AL「Up The Pinks An Introduction to Pink Fairies」)
M-5 Planet 39 / Twink(AL「Think PinkⅢ」)
M-6 Whipping Boy / Pink Fairies(AL「Resident Reptiles」)
- 2018/9/15[vol.1481]
- 2018/9/22[vol.1482]
- 2018/9/29[vol.1483]